Peter beim Graben, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Ibai Diez, Jesus M. Cortes, Mathieu Desroches and Serafim Rodrigues. Metastable Resting State Brain Dynamics. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 13:62, 2019 [pdf] Abstract Metastability refers to the fact that the state of a dynamical system spends a large amount of time in a restricted region of its available phase space before a transition takes place, bringing the system into another state from where it might […]
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the second session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in ageing (Iñigo Gabilondo), Treatment and care in the Basque Country (Juan Carlos Gomez), Rehabilitation (Juan Carlos Arango), Attention to the caregiver (Laiene Olabarrieta) The seminar is Tuesday Nov 26th 2019, at 6.00pm in Astra-Gernika
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the second session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in ageing (Iñigo Gabilondo), Treatment and care in the Basque Country (Juan Carlos Gomez), Rehabilitation (Juan Carlos Arango), Attention to the caregiver (Laiene Olabarrieta) The seminar is Thursday Oct 17th 2019, at 6.00pm in Goñi Portal
2019, Brain networks as a predictor of aging along lifespan. 15th Granada Seminar on Stochastic and Collective Effects in Neural Systems: Biological aspects, Modeling, Dynamics, Networks, Function and Applications. September 17-20, 2019. Granada, Spain
2019, Taller de Neuroimagen y Daño Cerebral. Precongreso del III Congreso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicologia y II Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Neuropsicologia: Avances en la Disciplina. Universidad Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. 12-14 Septiembre 2019. Cali, Colombia.
2019, Mapeo de sintomas a redes del cerebro en daño cerebral. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Neuropsicologia y II Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Neuropsicologia: Avances en la Disciplina. Universidad Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. 12-14 Septiembre 2019. Cali, Colombia.
2019, Brain networks as a predictor of aging along lifespan. Summer School in Computational and Theoretical Models in Neuroscience. Venice, Italy. September 9-14, 2019
2019, Brain networks as a predictor of aging along lifespan. am4ndalille – Advanced methods for neuroimaging data analysis workshop. University of Lille, France. September 2-3, 2019
2019, Brain networks as a predictor of aging along lifespan. Beacon Precision Imaging. University of Nottingham, UK. June 29, 2019
2019, Machine Learning Applications to Melanoma Prognosis. Abordaje Interdisciplinar en el Estudio del Melanoma. Bizkaia Aretioa, May 24-25. Bilbao, 2019
Since creation date of Sept 2012, we got last year the recognition of CRUCES ESIko ESKERTZE 2018 for being a Group Consolidated of Excellence, according to indications of the National Institute of Health. This year 2019, we got a second recognition CRUCES ESIko ESKERTZE 2019, for being a Group with responsible researcher younger than 45 years old. Among the 58 different groups within Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute, our group of […]
Cristina Sanchez-Puelles, Maria Calleja-Felipe, Alberto Ouro, Ghassen Bougamra, Ana Arroyo, Ibai Diez, Asier Erramuzpe, Jesus Cortes, Jose Martinez-Hernandez, Rafael Lujn, Marta Navarrete, Cesar Venero, Andrew Chan, Miguel Morales, Jose A. Esteban and Shira Knafo. PTEN activity defines an axis for plasticity at cortico-amygdala synapses and determines social behavior. Cerebral Cortex 30:505-524, 2019 [pdf] Abstract Phosphatase and tensin homolog on chromosome 10 (PTEN) is a tumor suppressor and autism-associated gene that […]
Ane Murueta-Goyena , Roco del Pino, Paula Reyero , Marta Galds, Begoa Arana, Olaia Lucas Jimenez, Marian Acera, Beatriz Tijero, Naroa Ibarretxe-Bilbao, Natalia Ojeda, Javier Pea, Jesus Cortes, Juan Carlos Gomez-Esteban, Iñigo Gabilondo. Parafoveal thinning of inner retina is associated with visual dysfunction in Lewy body diseases. Movement disorders 34:1315-1324, 2019 [pdf] Abstract Background: Retinal optical coherence tomography findings in Lewy body diseases and their implications for visual outcomes remain controversial. […]
2019, Brain biomarkers in neurological disorders. Los Libertadores University. Bogota, Colombia. July, 2019
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the first session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Neurogenesis (Juan Manuel Encinas), Imaging (Jesus M Cortes), Cognition (Laiene Olabarrieta) and Physical Activity as protected therapy (Gontzal Grandes). The seminar was March 26 2019, at 6.00pm Gernika-Lumoko Kultur Etxean
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the first session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Neurogenesis (Juan Manuel Encinas), Imaging (Jesus M Cortes), Cognition (Laiene Olabarrieta) and Physical Activity as protected therapy (Gontzal Grandes). The seminar was Thursday May 16 2019, at 6.00pm in Goñi Portal.
2019, Brain Networks as Biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases: Fundaments and Examples. II Jornadas de Neurologa. La Guardia, Spain. Sponsored by Alter Medica
I was the Local Chair of the Annual Meeting of the COSTNET Action. More information at 110 researchers on network science attended from 24 different countries. A success event that is summarized in the following video The book of abstracts can be downloaded here This has been possible thanks to a wonderful of team of local colleagues and friends, mainly, Diego Rivera (Public University of Navarre), Borja Camino Pontes […]
In collaboration with Luca Gerardo – Giorda (BCAM, Bilbao) and Sebastiano Stramaglia (Univ of Bari), we are organized the 2019 Quantitative Biomedicine Workshop. The poster conference [pdf] The book of abstracts [pdf]
2019, Introduction to functional connectivity to study the pathological brain. MSc Neuroscience. University of the Basque Country, Spain
2019, Introdution to Computational Neuroimaging. MSc in Neuroscience. University of the Basque Country, Spain
Jesus M. Cortes, Paolo Bonifazi, Iñaki Escudero, Beatriz Mateos, Miguel Angel Muñoz, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Jesus M. Cortes, Borja Camino-Pontes, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Javier Rasero, Asier Erramuzpe, Stephan Swinnen, Iñigo Gabilondo, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Lisa Pauwels, Laiene Olabarrieta-Landa, Manuel Fernandez Martinez, Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, David Drijkoningen, Daniele Marinazzo, Jolien Gooijers, Ibai Diez. Brain Hierarchical Atlas: Multi-Scale versus Optimal Strategies in the Pathological Brain. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping […]
Borja Camino-Pontes, Ibai Diez, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Javier Rasero, Asier Erramuzpe, Paolo Bonifazi, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Stephan Swinnen, Jesus M. Cortes. Interaction Information Along Lifespan Reveals a Redundant Role of the Default Mode Network. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping [pdf] Introduction: In this work recenty published (Camino-Pontes et al 2018), we show that the use of interaction information (II) can detect redundant or synergetic interactions in dynamical networks. De […]
Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Diego Rivera, Victoria Boado, Ibai Diez, Fermin Labayen, Irati Garrido, Daniela Ramos-Usuga, Javier Rasero, Alberto Cabrera-Zubizarreta, Iñigo Gabilondo, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, Jesus M. Cortes. Resting State Analysis in Multiorgan Failure Reveals Default Mode Network hyperconnectivity. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping [pdf] Introduction: Multiorgan Failure (MF) is a life-threating and potentially reversible condition that can affect patients admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs). […]
Paolo Bonifazi, Asier Erramuzpe, Ibai Diez, Iñigo Gabilondo, Matthieu P. Boisgontier, Lisa Pauwels, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Stephan Swinnen, Borja Camino-Pontes, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Jesus M. Cortes. Structure-function multi-scale connectomics is an accurate predictor of brain aging. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping [pdf] Introduction: Aging is a dynamical process that encompasses a systemic time-dependent decline on multiple scales from biological to psychological and social levels. Interestingly, individuals with the same […]
Sebastaino Stramaglia, Javier Rasero, Jesus M. Cortes, Daniele Marinazzo, Ibai Diez. Connectome sorting by Consensus Clustering increases separability in group neuroimaging studies. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping [pdf] Introduction: A fundamental challenge in preprocessing pipelines for neuroimaging datasets is to increase the signal-to-noise ratio for subsequent analyses. This can be achieved for example by getting more compact groups before performing any statistical comparison. In this regard, the […]
Javier Rasero, Hannelore Aerts, Marlis Ontivero Ortega, Jesus M. Cortes, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Daniele Marinazzo. Functional Network prediction from region connectivity profiles and application to brain tumor data. OHBM 2019 – Organization for Human Brain Mapping [pdf] Introduction: Intrinsic Connectivity Networks (ICNs), patterns of correlated activity emerging from “resting- state” BOLD time series, are increasingly being associated with cognitive, clinical, and behavioral aspects, and compared with the pattern of activity elicited […]
Jose I. Lopez, Rafael Pulido, Jesus M. Cortes , Javier C. Angulo, and Charles H. Lawrie. Potential impact of PD-L1 (SP-142) immunohistochemical heterogeneity in clear cell renal cell carcinoma immunotherapy. Pathol Res Pract 214:1110-1114, 2018 [pdf] Abstract Intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) detection remains a challenge in modern oncology because it can have a direct impact on the success of new therapies. Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy is an emerging treatment modality that is showing great promise for […]