Nuevo repositorio sobre redes del cerebro y genética. Más información aquí El artículo orginal se puede leer en [pdf]
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Un nuevo artículo sobre desconectividad cerebral en ictus. Más información aquí El artículo orginal se puede leer en [pdf]
A new commentary by Michael Hawrylycz and Thomas Nickl-Jockschat published in Biological Psychiatry about our article in subtyping autism spectrum disorder based on brain functional connectivity analyses The commnetary can be found here The original paper was Javier Rasero, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Ibai Diez, Roberto Toro, Mazahir T Hasan, Jesus M Cortes. The neurogenetics of functional connectivity alterations in Autism: Insights from subtyping in 657 patients. Biol Psychiatry 2023, S0006-3223(23)01230-1. [pdf]
Tremendamente agradecido a la organización de Naukas, que me permitió contar las cosas que hacemos en el laboratorio, con un verdadero DreamTeam, el grupo de CompNeuro Bilbao Puedes escuchar la charta entera aqui
Liderado por Paolo Bonifazi y Soraya Martin, nuestro articulo en Brain sale en Radio Popular El audio completo se puede escuchar aqui link El articulo completo lo puedes encontrar aqui
Liderado por Paolo Bonifazi y Soraya Martin, nuestro articulo en Brain sale en teleberri de EITB El video completo lo puedes ver en este link El articulo completo lo puedes encontrar aqui
Junto con Asier Erramuzpe, nos ha entrevistado la grandisima Eva Caballero, en su programa la Mecanica del Caracol, en Radio Euskadi Hemos hablado de conectividad cerebral, de ictus, de rehabilitación y de modelos predictivos en envejecimiento Puedes escuchar el audio en el siguiente link
With other colleagues, Paolo Bonifazi, Asier Erramuzpe, Ibai Diez and Javier Rasero, we are organizing the 2023 Bilbao Brain Connectivity Workshop This will be on May 17th 2023 at the Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute The meeting will be in person and on-line. Free inscriptions are needed for attendance at this link The complete program can be downloaded here An amazing video of the event, recorded by Izaro Fernandez-Iriondo, can be […]
New article on prediction of cognitive decline from real world data at the Journal of Neuropsychology. You can download the article at pdf You can read why this study is relevant in the following interview
With our colleagues in KU Leuven, we published a new paper on prediction of sensory-motor response from multimodal lesion network mapping in stroke patients. More information at… You also can find more information in the website of our Insitution You can also download the pdf
We have had a fantastic time together at OHBM Glasgow 2022 We presented 6 different posters on : Multimodal lesion network mapping [pdf] Long-covid functional connectivity study [pdf] Multiscale multimodal brain hierarchical atlas [pdf] Anticorrelated resting state networks of the human brain [pdf] Modular structure of high order interactions [pdf] Whole-brain modeling of aging and high-order interactions [pdf] We also have wonderful time enjoying Scotland and doing networking, see this […]
El Dr. Gabilondo habla en la cadena SER sobre nuestros últimos hallazgos de desincronización corazón-cerebro en la enfermedad del Parkinson Puedes escuchar el audio aquí
Ha sido un placer charlar con unos profesionales del periodismo y de la comunicación como son Juan Ramón Lucas y Alberto Aparicio. Puedes escuchar la entrevista en este audio. El link a la entrevista lo puedes encontrar aquí.
Ha sido un placer charlar con una profesional del periodismo y de la comunicación como es Estíbaliz Ruiz de Azua. Puedes escuchar la entrevista en este audio. El link a la entrevista lo puedes encontrar aquí
Informativo ITEMAS habla de nuestro proyecto financiado por primera vez a una institución española por la iniciativa Brain. This project, headed by Prof. Hasan in Achucarro, and where also participates Prof. Ramos in CIC-Biomagune and muyself, aims to achieve whole-brain imaging at cellular resolution You can watch the video at (in Spanish).
Headed by Prof. Mazahir Hasan in the Achucarro Center for Neuroscience, and together with Prof. Pedro Ramos in CIC-Biomagune, we were the first team in Spain funded by the prestigious NIH-funded Brain Initiative. We aim to develop full-brain imaging genetic-technology at the cellular resolution. You can find more information at: and in Spanish at:
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the second session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in ageing (Iñigo Gabilondo), Treatment and care in the Basque Country (Juan Carlos Gomez), Rehabilitation (Juan Carlos Arango), Attention to the caregiver (Laiene Olabarrieta) The seminar is Tuesday Nov 26th 2019, at 6.00pm in Astra-Gernika
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the second session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in ageing (Iñigo Gabilondo), Treatment and care in the Basque Country (Juan Carlos Gomez), Rehabilitation (Juan Carlos Arango), Attention to the caregiver (Laiene Olabarrieta) The seminar is Thursday Oct 17th 2019, at 6.00pm in Goñi Portal
Since creation date of Sept 2012, we got last year the recognition of CRUCES ESIko ESKERTZE 2018 for being a Group Consolidated of Excellence, according to indications of the National Institute of Health. This year 2019, we got a second recognition CRUCES ESIko ESKERTZE 2019, for being a Group with responsible researcher younger than 45 years old. Among the 58 different groups within Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute, our group of […]
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the first session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Neurogenesis (Juan Manuel Encinas), Imaging (Jesus M Cortes), Cognition (Laiene Olabarrieta) and Physical Activity as protected therapy (Gontzal Grandes). The seminar was March 26 2019, at 6.00pm Gernika-Lumoko Kultur Etxean
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the first session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Neurogenesis (Juan Manuel Encinas), Imaging (Jesus M Cortes), Cognition (Laiene Olabarrieta) and Physical Activity as protected therapy (Gontzal Grandes). The seminar was Thursday May 16 2019, at 6.00pm in Goñi Portal.
I was the Local Chair of the Annual Meeting of the COSTNET Action. More information at 110 researchers on network science attended from 24 different countries. A success event that is summarized in the following video The book of abstracts can be downloaded here This has been possible thanks to a wonderful of team of local colleagues and friends, mainly, Diego Rivera (Public University of Navarre), Borja Camino Pontes […]
In collaboration with Luca Gerardo – Giorda (BCAM, Bilbao) and Sebastiano Stramaglia (Univ of Bari), we are organized the 2019 Quantitative Biomedicine Workshop. The poster conference [pdf] The book of abstracts [pdf]
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the second session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in ageing (Iñigo Gabilondo), Treatment and care in the Basque Country (Juan Carlos Gomez), Rehabilitation (Juan Carlos Arango), Attention to the caregiver (Laiene Olabarrieta) The seminar is Tuesday Dec 18 2018, at 7.00pm in Nestor Basterretxea Aretoa
Together with other NeuroLagun colleagues, we have organised the first session of a divulgation seminar composed by several short-talks about ageing. Four different talks, Neurogenesis (Juan Manuel Encinas), Imaging (Jesus M Cortes), Cognition (Laiene Olabarrieta) and Physical Activity as protected therapy (Gontzal Grandes). The seminar is Thursday June 14 2018, at 7.00pm in Nestor Basterretxea Aretoa.
In only 5 years after lab creation, we have got the accreditation of Consolidated of Excellence, according to indications of the National Institute of Health. This has been possible to all wonderful and talented researchers who have worked in the Computational Neuroimaging Laboratory at Biocruces. We are the only group formed by quantitative scientists (physicists and engineers) who has got this prestigious recognition, normally given to Clinical groups.
On May 7th, 2018 Asier Erramuzpe defended his Thesis titled “Development of new methods for brain connectivity biomarkers in epilepsy and other pathological conditions”. He got ”Cum Laude por Unaminidad”. Zorionak!!
In collaboration with Luca Gerardo – Giorda (BCAM, Bilbao) and Sebastiano Stramaglia (Univ of Bari), we are organizing the 2018 Quantitative Biomedicine Workshop. Further information (program and registration info) can be found at The poster conference [pdf] The book of abstracts [pdf]
I am Ikerbasque Research Professor (hosted by the new created BioCruces) Further information: 1. Visit its website 2. Watch this introductory video 3. Read this dossier 4. Watch the video on the 2014 scientific output 5. Read the research strategy for the years 2018-2021 Annual Reports: 1. 2007-2011 scientific output 2. 2012 scientific output 3. 2013 scientific output 4. 2014 scientific output 5. 2015 scientific output 6. 2017 scientific output […]
Being part of the Brainhack Global series, and organized by Asier Erramuzpe, we are local hosting the Brainhack- Global event in Bilbao, March 2-4, 2017 Further information at