J.M. Cortes, T.J. Sejnowski and M.C.W. van Rossum. Reverse Engineering: Weight dynamics consistent with experimental weight distributions. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2007 The strengths of synaptic connections that are responsible for perception and memory change on time scales ranging from milliseconds to many days. A key question is how memories can be made stable over long periods of time despite the ongoing synaptic plasticity. The distribution of synaptic weights […]
Daily Archives: October 11, 2015
D. Marinazzo, J.M. Cortes, M. Postlethwaite and M. Hennig. Synaptic depression and multi-scale phenomena. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2007 How short term plasticity (STP) affects synaptic transmission has been widely studied during the last decade (Zucker and Regehr, 2001). During repetitive stimulation, a postsynaptic response can be facilitated or depressed or shaped by a combination of both. These effects have been successfully explained by models focusing on two main […]
J.M.A.M. Kusters, A.P.R. Theuvenet, D.L. Ypey, W.P.M. van Meerwijk, J.M. Cortes and C.C.A.M. Gielen. Calcium Oscillations driving an excitable membrane: Hysteresis and Bi-stability. Biophysical Society: 51th Annual Meeting. Biophysical Journal 257A-257A Suppl. S, 2007 In normal rat kidney (NRK) fibroblasts the excitable membrane exhibits action potentials caused by an intracellular, IP3-mediated calcium oscillation (CaO). We modeled that process in detail and applied bifurcation analysis to investigate the dynamic behaviour of […]
J. J. Torres, J. M. Cortes and J. Marro. Instability of attractors in auto-associative networks with bio-inspired fast synaptic noise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3512: 161-167, 2005 [pdf] We studied auto–associative networks in which synapses are noisy on a time scale much shorter that the one for the neuron dynamics. In our model a presynaptic noise causes postsynaptic depression as recently observed in neurobiological systems. This results in a […]
J. M. Cortes, P. L. Garrido, H. J. Kappen, J. Marro, C. Morillas, D. Navidad and J. J. Torres. Algorithms for identification and categorization. AIP Conference Proceedings 779: 178-184, 2005 [pdf] This article reports on a series of efforts during the last decade aimed at modeling in a computer the cooperative properties that, according to some experimental evidence, could be relevant for the processing of patterns in a brain. In […]
2005, Activity dependent fast noise and its influence on the dynamics. SNN Seminar Series. Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2005, Neural chaos and synaptic noise. Insitute for adaptive and neural computation. ANC Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, UK
Fri Feb 4, 2011. 10.30am-2.30pm. Salon de Actos Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria Informatica y Telecomunicacion. UGR Follow the event in live streaming at the link CEVUG/UGR Hashtag for twitter, #sejnowski Download Final Schedule Donwload the poster for the event Funded by: GENIL: Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories MSc in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems. UGR MSc in Multimedia Systems. UGR MSc in Computer and Network Engineering. UGR MSc […]
Dr. Terrence Sejnowski HHMI and Salk Insitute, USA Convergence and Divergence between Biological and Artificial Intelligence Fri Feb 4, 2011. 10.30am. Terrence Sejnowski is a pioneer in computational neuroscience and his goal is to understand the principles that link brain to behavior. His laboratory uses both experimental and modeling techniques to study the biophysical properties of synapses and neurons and the population dynamics of large networks of neurons. New computational […]
Dr Sebastiano Stramaglia University of Bari, Italy Causal approaches to the inference of dynamical networks Thu Sep 30, 2010. 11.00am. Granger causality is a major approach to measure the information flow between variables. In its original formulation, Granger causality is based on linear modelling of the data. In the last years, the problem of causality attracted interest also in the machine learning community, and a nonlinear version of Granger causality […]
J. Marro, J. M. Cortes and P. I. Hurtado. Modeling nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical behavior in complex systems. Computer Physics Communications 147: 115-119, 2002 [pdf] We comment on some recent, yet unpublished results concerning instabilities in complex systems and their applications. In particular, we briefly describe main observations during extensive computer simulations of two lattice nonequilibrium models. One exhibits robust and efficient processes of pattern recognition under synaptic coherent […]
2003, Switching between memories in neural automata with synaptic noise. SNN Seminar Series. Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dr Adam Barrett Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science University of Sussex, Brighton, UK The Challenge of Measuring Consciousness Thu Mar 18, 2010. 11.30am. For much of the twentieth century, consciousness research was exclusively carried out as philosophical discourse. However, due to modern advances in neuroimaging, coupled with new multi-disciplinary approaches to neuroscience and psychology, a new science of consciousness has started to emerge. In this talk, I discuss some of […]
Dr Adam Barrett ANC, University of Edinburgh, UK Shannon Information Capacity of Discrete Synapses Fri May 15, 2009. 11.00am. Memory in biological neural systems is believed to be stored in the synaptic weights. Computational models of such memory systems have been constructed in order to investigate, for example, optimal learning rules and storage capacity. Commonly, a synaptic weight in such models is represented by an unbounded, continuous real number. However, […]
Dr Daniele Marinazzo CNRS, Paris Machine Learning applications to EEG data: phase synchronization, predictability and causality in multi-EEG recordings Monday May 4, 2009. 11.00 am The fundamental mechanisms underlying biological systems can be understood by studying complexity of recorded data and measuring in what proportion the individual components exchange information among each other. The study of phase synchronization may, in particular, reveal interactions which are highly nonlinear and do not […]