Brain Connectivity & Machine Learning

Multiscale network regression for associations between brain connectivity and cognitive and behavioural indices

Izaro Fernandez-Iriondo, Basilio Sierra, Jose Maria Martmez-Otzeta, Antonio Jimenez-Marin, Paolo Bonifazi, Yosu Yurramendi, and Jesus M. Cortes. Multiscale network regression for associations between brain connectivity and cognitive and behavioural indices. 2021 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA).  article: [pdf]

The study of the relationship between brain connectivity and cognitive abilities is of great importance for a better understanding of the human mind. We propose to tackle this issue with the help of several connectivity measures, assessing the strength of their association with the subjects’ performance in some standard neuropsychological tests. The novelty of this work is the use of these connectivity metrics outside the field were they originated, which is their association with the subjects’ chronological age. The results obtained from an experiment with data from the Human Connectome Project show positive correlations between the proposed connectivity measures and the aforementioned neuropsychological indices. The outcome of this approach yields correlation values which compare favourably with state-of-the-art research and show that those measures could be relevant across several fields of study.

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