J. Marro, J.J. Torres and J.M. Cortes. Networks with Heterogeneously Weighted Connections and Partial Synchronization of Nodes. Computer Physics Communications 177: 180-183, 2007 [pdf] A network of stochastic nodes in which connections are heterogeneously weighted and dynamics may by varied from single-node updating to full synchronization as in familiar cellular automata is studied concerning computational strategies and states of attention in the brain.
JCR Articles
J.J. Torres, J. M. Cortes, J. Marro and H.J. Kappen. Attractor Neural Networks with Activity-Dependent Synapses: The Role of Synaptic Facilitation. Neurocomputing 70: 2022-2025, 2007 [pdf] We studied an autoassociative neural network with dynamic synapses which include a facilitating mechanism. We have developed a general mean-field framework to study the relevance of the different parameters defining the dynamics of the synapses and their influence on the collective properties of the […]
J. Marro, J.J. Torres and J.M. Cortes. Chaotic hopping between attractors in neural automata. Neural Networks 20: 230-235, 2007 [pdf] We present a neurobiologically-inspired stochastic cellular automaton whose state jumps with time between the attractors corresponding to a series of stored patterns. The jumping varies from regular to chaotic as the model parameters are modified. The resulting irregular behavior, which mimics the state of attention in which a system shows […]
J.J. Torres, J.M. Cortes, J. Marro and H.J. Kappen. Competition between synaptic depression and facilitation in attractor neural networks. Neural Computation 19: 2739-2755, 2007 [pdf] We study the effect of competition between short-term synaptic depression and facilitation on the dynamic properties of attractor neural networks, using Monte Carlo simulation and a mean-field analysis. Depending on the balance of depression, facilitation, and the underlying noise, the network displays different behaviors, including […]
J. M. Cortes, J. Marro and J. J. Torres. Control of neural chaos by synaptic noise. Biosystems 87: 186-190, 2007 [pdf] We study neural automata or neurobiologically inspired cellular automata which exhibits chaotic itinerancy among the different stored patterns or memories. This is a consequence of activity-dependent synaptic fluctuations, which continuously destabilize the attractor and induce irregular hopping to other possible attractors. The nature of these irregularities depends on the […]
J. M. Cortes, J. J. Torres, J. Marro, P. L. Garrido and H. J. Kappen. Effects of fast presynaptic noise in attractor neural networks. Neural Computation 18: 614-633, 2006 [pdf] We study both analytically and numerically the effect of presynaptic noise on the transmission of information in attractor neural networks. The noise occurs on a very short timescale compared to that for the neuron dynamics and it produces short-time synaptic […]
J. J. Torres, J. Marro, P. L. Garrido, J. M. Cortes, F. Ramos and M. A. Munoz. Effects of static and dynamic disorder on the performance of neural automata. Biophysical Chemistry 115: 285-288, 2005 [pdf] We report on both analytical and numerical results concerning stochastic Hopfield-like neural automata exhibiting the following (biologically inspired) features: (1) Neurons and synapses evolve in time as in contact with respective baths at different temperatures; […]
J. M. Cortes, P. L. Garrido, J. Marro and J. J. Torres. Switching between memories in neural automata with synaptic noise. Neurocomputing 58-60: 67-71, 2004 [pdf] We present a stochastic neural automata in which activity fluctuations and synaptic intensities evolve at different temperature, the latter moving through a set of stored patterns. The network thus exhibits various retrieval phases, including one which depicts continuous switching between attractors. The switching may […]
J. Marro, J. M. Cortes and P. I. Hurtado. Modeling nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical behavior in complex systems. Computer Physics Communications 147: 115-119, 2002 [pdf] We comment on some recent, yet unpublished results concerning instabilities in complex systems and their applications. In particular, we briefly describe main observations during extensive computer simulations of two lattice nonequilibrium models. One exhibits robust and efficient processes of pattern recognition under synaptic coherent […]